The permission facade doesn't exist as a component in the architecture but it's spread across the EDDIE core and region connectors. As such it can be embedded as a microfrontend but consists itself of multiple ones. HTML custom elements should be mentioned.
The Permission Facade is the component that handles the process of acquiring the permission of the customer for access to their historical and real-time data. This component needs to be accessible from the EP Website so that customers can give their permission to the eligible party.
To make the Permission Facade accessible from the EP Website, the Permission Facade is implemented as a microfrontend. This way the EP Website can load the Permission Facade and show the customer all the necessary frontend elements to request the customer's permission.
Positive consequences:
- Simple integration of the Permission Facade in the EP Website
- All the EP Websites request the permission of the customer in an identical way, providing a uniform experience for all the customers.
Negative consequences:
- Microfrontends have their own independent development cycle, thus potentially creating additional overhead.
- Provide the Permission Facade as an independent website that is operated and maintained by each eligible party.