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The glossary is divided into two sections: domain terms and acronyms.

Domain Terms

AuthenticationAn electronic procedure that enables the electronic Identification of a natural or legal person.
Balancing Responsible PartyAn entity that is responsible for ensuring the balance between the energy supply and demand in a specific area or region.
Clean Energy PackageA set of legislative measures adopted by the European Union to promote the use of renewable energy sources, increase energy efficiency, and create a more integrated and competitive energy market.
Data Access LogA timestamped record of data items accessed that includes at least the identification of the final customer or the eligible party accessing the data and, if applicable, the identification of the permission used to access the data.
Data Access ProviderA party responsible for facilitating access to validated historical metering and consumption data by the final customer.
Eligible PartyEntity offering energy-related services to final customers, such as suppliers, transmission and distribution system operators, aggregators, energy service companies, and balancing service providers.
Identity Service ProviderA party that manages identity information; issues, stores, protects, keeps up to date, and manages identity information for a natural or legal person and provides authentication services to eligible parties and final customers;
Meter OperatorA party responsible for installing, maintaining, testing, certifying and decommissioning physical meters.
Metered Data AdministratorA party responsible for storing validated historical metering and consumption data and distributing this data to final customers and eligible parties.
Metering and Consumption DataMeter readings of electricity consumption from the grid, or electricity feed into the grid, which includes validated historical data and non-validated near real-time data.
Metering Point AdministratorA party responsible for administering and making available the characteristics of a metering point, including the registrations of eligible parties and final customers linked to the metering point.
Near Real-time Data Consumption SystemA system or device that obtains the flow of non-validated near real-time data from a smart metering system as referred to in Article 20, first subparagraph, point (a) of Directive (EU) 2019/944.
Near Real-time Metering and Consumption DataMetering and consumption data provided continuously by a smart meter in a short time period, usually down to seconds or up to the imbalance settlement period in the national market, which is non-validated and made available through a standardised interface or through remote access in line with Article 20(a) of the Electricity Directive (EU) 2019/944.
PermissionThe authorisation given by a final customer to an eligible party on the basis of a contractual agreement they have with this party, to access their metering and consumption data managed by the metered data administrator for the provision of a specific service.
Permission AdministratorA party responsible for administering a register of data access permissions for a set of metering points, making this information available to final customers and eligible parties in the sector, on request.
Permission Provision LogA timestamped record of when the permission for an eligible party or final customer was granted, revoked, or terminated, including a permission identifier, and a party identifier.
Reference ModelThe procedures that are necessary for access to data describing the minimum required information exchange between market participants.
Smart MeterAn electronic metering device deployed within a smart metering system as defined in the Article 2(23) of the Directive (EU) 2019/944.
Sub-meterA meter that measures only a part of a customer's load/production behind one connection to the grid (measured by a main meter) or a meter with a different granularity of metering data than the main meter.
Validated Historical Metering and Consumption DataHistorical metering and consumption data collected from a meter, a conventional or a smart meter, or completed with substitute values that are determined otherwise in case of meter unavailability.


aFRRAutomatic Frequency Restoration Reserve
AIIDAAdministrative Interface for In-house Data Access
APIApplication Programming Interface
ASMActive System Management
BRPBalancing Responsible Party
CEPClean Energy Package
CIMCommon Information Model
CMCapacity Mechanism
DADay Ahead (market)
DCCDemand Connection Code
DERDistributed Energy Resources
DFDistributed Flexibility
DSFDemand-Side Flexibility
DSODistribution System Operator
EBGLElectricity Balancing Guideline
EDDIEEuropean Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy
eIDASElectronic Identification and Authentication Services. Regulation on electronic identification and trust services. Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.
ENTSO-EEuropean Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
FMOFlexibility Market Operator
FSPFlexibility Service Provider
GDPRRegulation (EU) 2016
GEODEGEODE is made up of European independent distribution companies of gas and electricity
HRMHarmonised Role Model
IAImplementing Acts for Interoperability after Article 24 of Directive (EU) 2019/944
LVLow voltage
mFRRManual Frequency Restoration Reserve
MVMedium voltage
NCNetwork Code
NRANational Regulatory Authority
RfGRequirements for Generators
SAREFSmart Applications REFerence ontology
SGAMSmart Grid Architecture Model
SGUSignificant Grid User
SOGLSystem Operation Guideline
TSOTransmission System Operator