This introductory section should give an overview of EDDIE Framework and describe why it is needed on a very high-level. The following is more like a draft and should be re-written by Framework experts.
EDDIE Framework is the main connecting part of EDDIE. It provides an integration platform for the Regional Connectors and serves the Data Needs API (TODO: describe and reference). This integration platform enables the regional connectors to implement custom permission sharing workflows for different regions, which constitute the basis for consumption data sharing. By defining a common interface for the regional connectors EDDIE Framwork stays open for extension, while it is able to collect the data in a central place.
At first, this section describes general key decision in the Solution Strategy, before the main building blocks are laid out in the Building Block View. The Runtime View describes the most important use-cases, while the Deployment View shows the architecture of an EDDIE Framework deployment.
Link and describe the upcoming sections more visually. This will enhance readability, foster engagement and improve the reading flow.