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Eddie Framework Austria

The overall structure off EDDIE Framework has already been described at EDDIE Framework.

Connector Specifics

EDA can be thought of as the data access provider for historically validated data in Austria. It works as a central messaging service for all the DSOs in Austria by implementing the AS4 messaging protocol and using the ebMS3 specification.

So instead of an API based approach, Austria exchanges energy data via encrypted XML files.

How it works and relevant processes can be found at ebUtilities. The relevant processes for EDDIE fall unter the "Customer Consent Management" category.

Requesting Data

Requesting data works according to the [CM_REQ_ONL] Consent Management - Datenfreigabe Online process.

It requires the following steps:

  1. Create a CCM_Request for a use.
  2. Send it via AS4 messaging to EDA => EDA will deliver it to the corresponding DSO.
  3. Now the user needs to log into his DSO portal and accept the CCM_Request.
  4. DSO sends answer to EDA => EDA will deliver the answer to us.
  5. If the user has given permission to his data, the DSO will send the requested data (as a ConsumptionRecord) , when it is available, to us (via EDA).

As this process shows, Austria uses a push based model for historical validated data.

Setup/ Onboarding

For the AS4 communication with EDA we use a Ponton X/P Messenger.

So for MVP1, the region connector for Austria uses the Ponton X/P Messenger to communicate with the DSOs.

The communication with the Ponton X/P Messenger itself works via their Java API which uses a Websocket connection in the background.

In the future we might consider implementing the AS4 protocol by ourselves or look into available open source implementations.

Example Files

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No.TitleDescriptionReported atResolved at
1No response to request...2023-04-18-
2Manual setup of communication partner needed2023-04-18