The following workflow shows the process of the eligible party terminating a Service, and consequently, also revoking the consent of the customers who use this Service. This process starts with the eligible party accessing the Admin Console.
This workflow includes the following steps:
- The eligible party logs in to the Admin Console.
- The eligible party clicks to terminate the Service.
- The Admin console applies the Service termination, e.g., by updating the relevant fields in the Database.
- The Admin Console instructs the Regional Connectors to revoke the consent of the customers who use the terminated service.
- The Regional Connectors revoke the consent of the customers from the box "EDDIE Framework" #transparent Regional Data-sharing Infrastructures of their countries, e.g., via the Consent Admin Portal, or the Meter Data Portal.
- The responses of the consent status are sent back to the Regional Connectors.
- The consent status of each customer is sent to the Admin Console.
- The Admin Console shows the eligible party that the consents have been revoked.