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Roles that may be involved are:

EPEligible PartyA Party requesting or processing data shared by the customer.
PAPermission AdministratorA party responsible for administrating a register of consents. The PA makes information about the consent (but not necessarily the data to be shared) available on request for entitled parties in the sector.
OCAOnline Consent AdministratorPA with a constant and publicly usable interface through an online service.
ICAIn-house Consent AdministratorFunctional service managing the access to in-house data sources that would not be available online. Within the context of the EDDIE project, AIIDA is targeted to act as such.
MDAMetered Data AdministratorA party responsible for storing and distributing validated measured data.
MSMember StateMember State of the European Union. Within the scope of this project, MS can be viewed in a wider sense, meaning rather “regional cluster supporting data-sharing”, but political borders and data-sharing infrastructure responsibility for an area are not always the same.
FSPFlexibility Service ProviderIndependent energy service providers aggregating flexibilities into energy and grid ancillary service markets.
BRPBalance Responsible PartyA party that is – according to the Harmonized Electricity Market Role Model (HEMRM) - responsible for its imbalances, meaning the difference between the energy volume physically injected to or withdrawn from the system and the final nominated energy volume, including any imbalance adjustment within a given imbalance settlement period.
DERDistributed Energy ResourceDistributed Energy Resources are energy resources spread over different levels and locations throughout the energy systems, typically within residential low voltage environments. They can consist of Distributed Generation (e.g., photovoltaic systems), Distributed Flexible Loads (e.g., heat pumps, smart heaters) as well as Distributed Storage (e.g., standalone batteries, V1G and V2X electric vehicles)